Hey Rivy! I'm a huge fan of serial killer research, and this case has always intrigued me.
I grew up for the first 15 years of my life in California, at a time the Zodiac was actively killing. So the case holds more of an interest to me than some others. I recall a time when he was believed to be in the Salinas, California area, as a body had been discovered along the Salinas River. I can still recall the police patrolling our neighborhood one particular evening.....and my parents being totally freaked out.
The thing that always bugged me about this case, Rivy, is this. Zodiac seemed to just stop killing. Not that this is a bad thing......but you probably know as well, that it's rare for them to just stop. Or maybe he didn't, and we just haven't put two and two together yet.
I hope that the team comes up with conclusive evidence, that Poste is indeed Zodiac. I guess time will tell.
Take care, Rivy.